Table 1

Basic demographics and specific MRI findings for the 94 patients in the study

Number of participants94
Mean age in years40.9 (15.2)*
Mean ISS score10.1 (8.8)*
 Male69 (73.4%)
 Female25 (26.6%)
Examination reliability
 Reliable69 (73.4%)
 Unreliable25 (26.6%)
MRI result
 Positive65 (69.1%)
 Negative29 (30.9%)
Change in management
 Yes31 (33.0%)
 No49 (52.1%)
 Undetermined14 (14.9%)
Time CT to MRI (in days)1.42 (4.1)*
Number of MRI findings1.1 (1.0)*
MRI findings†
 Disc lesions55 (58.5%)
 Cord contusion19 (20.2%)
 Ligamentous injuries9 (9.6%)
 Bone contusion7 (7.4%)
 Spinal hematoma5 (5.3%)
 Malalignment5 (5.3%)
 Fracture1 (1.1%)
Mechanism of injury
 Fall33 (35.1%)
 Motor vehicle collision35 (37.2%)
 Motorcycle collision6 (3.4%)
 Assault6 (6.4%)
 Pedestrian7 (7.4%)
 Other5 (6.7%)
  • *SD.

  • †Percentages do not sum to 100% due to patients with multiple findings.

  • ISS, injury severity score.