Table 1

Time course of critical events

EventsTimeHeart rateRespiratory rateBlood pressureAdditional notes
Rapid response, NTICU arrival16:00932674/462 units of PRBC.
Left radial arterial line placed.
Right internal jugular central line placed.
EGS called16:301091678/49Intubated.
Norepinephrine infusion initiated.
Massive transfusion.
17:001063384/46Norepinephrine infusion 1 μg/kg/min.
REBOA balloon up (8 cc)17:1310030180/90
17:1511534140/90Norepinephrine infusion off.
ABG (1729).
Hgb 6.7=>7.0 s/p 4 units of PRBC/4 units of FFP/1 unit of Plt.
Anesthesia start.
REBOA balloon down18:0812516160/83OR.
Surgery start.
ABG (1759).
  • ABG, Arterial blood gas; EGS, Emergency general surgery; FFP, Fresh frozen plasma; Hgb, Hemoglobin; NTICU, Neurotrauma intensive care unit; OR, operating room; Plt, Platelet; PRBC, packed red blood cells; REBOA, resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta.