Table 2

Anticipated number of cases during specified number of shifts and the number of days to experience the specified number of cases with 95% confidence. Season did not have a significant effect for orthopedics

Institution 1Institution 2Institution 3Institution 4
Number of 24-hour shiftsExpected number of urgent cases (95% CI)
 513.9 (7 to 21)10.1 (4 to 17)6.4 (2 to 12)5.2 (1 to 10)
 1027.8 (18 to 38)20.3 (12 to 30)12.7 (6 to 21)10.3 (5 to 17)
 1233.3 (23 to 45)24.4 (15 to 34)15.2 (8 to 24)12.4 (6 to 19)
 2055.5 (42 to 70)40.7 (29 to 54)25.4 (15 to 36)20.6 (12 to 30)
Minimum number of cases24-hour shifts resulting in a 95% certainty of experiencing at least the stated minimum number of cases