Table 3

Summary of the gray literature (n=31)

Summary of the gray literature
Discussion on the need for prospective collection and registry creation (AORTA)5
Discussion of REBOA training and workshops for physicians (BEST course)2
REBOA usage guidelines and facility implementation3
Utility of REBOA and successful case discussion7
Contraindications of REBOA1
General description of the technique5
REBOA usage in the field (roadside, air ambulance)2
REBOA-associated complications3
Cost effectiveness1
Discussion of efficacy1
Potential use of partial balloon inflation2
Use in penetrating injury1
Military use of REBOA1
Potential future applications and research1
  • AORTA, aortic occlusion for resuscitation in trauma and acute care surgery; REBOA, resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta.