Table 3

Cost for diagnosis and management of trauma patients across different injury severity groups and cost of overtriage

(n=population of the particular group of trauma patients)Cost for diagnosis and treatment of patients
(sum of costs)
(% of overall costs)
Cost per patient
(mean cost)
LOS≤48 hours and non-operative management and final outcome: hospital discharge
€120 761.92
LOS>48 hours or operative management or final outcome: death
€502 377.88
Patients (ISS≤15) who should have been transferred to a level III or IV trauma center equal
€314 809.49
Patients (ISS>15) who should have been transferred to our center (level I/II trauma center equal)
€308 330.31
Patients who fulfilled the EMS triage algorithm criteria for trauma center transfer
€557 460.63
Patients who did not fulfill the EMS algorithm criteria for trauma center transfer
€65 679.17
€102 619.17
€60 476.1
€151 714.22
€107 924.91
€200 405.40
  • EMS, emergency medical service; ISS, Injury Severity Score; LOS, length of hospital stay.