Table 2

Change in self-assessed confidence scores before and after training

Confidence-related questions
(range 1–5)
Mean per cent increase in scores pretraining and post-training
Trained on swine modelTrained on inanimate manikin modelComparing per cent increase in scores
swine versus manikin training
Mean baseline scorePercent increase in scores from baselineMean baseline scorePercent increase in scores from baseline
(n=24)(n=24)(n=24)(n=24)P value
Identifying ‘partial upper airway obstruction’2.323.9%±49.72.424.3%±46.30.74
Managing a patient with ‘partial upper airway obstruction’1.750.7%±±61.40.40
Identifying ‘complete upper airway obstruction’ in a patient2.036.1%±±60.50.71
Securing an airway in patient with ‘complete upper airway obstruction’ using non-surgical methods (ie, endotracheal intubation)1.752.1%±74.422.018.4%±35.20.13
Securing an airway in patient with ‘complete upper airway obstruction’ with cricothyroidotomy1.3115.3%±81.31.5116.0%±92.30.72
  • Comparing swine versus manikin training models.