Table 7

OR and associated 95% CI for the association of use of continuous intercostal blockade and outcomes

ORP value95% CI
Unplanned intubation1.080.930.18 to 6.49
Failed extubation0.650.510.18 to 2.34
Pneumonia0.150.020.03 to 0.76
Require tracheostomy0.230.030.06 to 0.83
Hospital mortality0.100.040.01 to 0.91
Rib fracture complication*0.260.0060.10 to 0.67
  • Multivariate logistic regression adjusted for number of rib fractures and number of flail segments.

  • *Either unplanned intubation, failed extubation, pneumonia, tracheostomy requirement, or hospital mortality.