Table 2

Background factors of early anastomosis and delayed anastomosis in DCL patients

DCL-early anastomosis
DCL-delay anastomosis
P value*
Age (years)65.6±20.157.8±19.10.104
Male8 (50%)12 (57%)0.6658
Cause of surgery0.0063
Trauma5 (31%)16 (76%)
Colon injury1 (20%)12 (75%)0.0271
Lower gastrointestinal perforation11 (69%)5 (24%)
Injury Severity Score28.6±11.427.0±10.20.8042
APACHE Ⅱ score28.8±7.625.0±6.40.1445
Surgery start time
 08:00–19:009 (56%)18 (86%)0.0456
20:00–07:007 (44%)3 (14%)
Surgery day
Weekday14 (88%)17 (81%)0.6796
Weekend2 (12%)4 (19%)
Pre-initial surgery
Temperature (℃)37.0±0.936.6±1.20.1323
Mean pressure98.0±11.884.9±23.30.0573
Base excess (mmol/L)–1.96±4.2–2.44±4.80.2695
Alb (g/dL)3.43±0.83.42±0.80.9143
Cre (mg/dL)1.17±1.81.18±0.80.0399
Post-initial surgery
Alb (g/dL)2.00±0.42.30±0.60.1274
Cre (mg/dL)1.18±1.70.96±0.70.7944
48 hours after initial surgery
Alb (g/dL)2.05±0.32.38±0.40.0194
Cre (mg/dL)1.31±1.71.12±0.70.5295
Duration of initial surgery (min)172.2±48.3108.9±31.40.0001
Lower gastrointestinal perforation181.9±47.7110.2±31.40.0149
Bleeding during initial surgery (mL)547.1±582.52294.0±2391.10.0553
Lower gastrointestinal perforation297.2±216.262.8±29.00.0234
Red blood cell transfusions (mL)105.0±231.4478.0±604.70.018
Up to 48 hours after the initial surgery
Total crystalloid administration (mL)10557.7±2870.912493.1±5297.00.2318
Total NPWT output (mL)1255.0±588.41208.1±614.50.7128
Total urine output (mL)3305.4±2009.13220.3±1823.30.9145
OA duration (day)5.4±2.63.9±3.30.0301
Vasopressor infusion6 (38%)8 (38%)0.9705
Alb administration10 (63%)15 (71%)0.5654
Renal replacement therapy3 (19%)7 (33%)0.3224
PMX-DHP8 (50%)6 (29%)0.183
Postoperative complications
Surgical site infection5 (31%)10 (48%)0.315
Adhesive intestinal obstruction1 (6%)2 (10%)0.7178
Anastomotic leak1 (6%)1 (5%)0.8428
Death within 28 days1 (6%)00.2455
  • Data presented as mean±SD or number of patients with percentage.

  • *Wilcoxon rank-sum test or Χ2 test.

  • Alb, albumin; APACHE Ⅱ, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation Ⅱ; Cre, creatinine; DCL, damage control laparotomy; INR, international normalized ratio; NPWT, negative-pressure wound therapy; OA, open abdomen; PMX-DHP, direct hemoperfusion with polymyxin B-immobilized fiber.