Table 3

Risk factors for severe lower extremity ischemia following VA-ECMO using a multivariable competing-risk Cox regression model

Risk factorCause-specific HR95% CIP value
Age (years)
 ≤18 3.08 1.34 to 7.07 0.008*
 ≥60 0.57 0.36 to 0.92 0.021*
 Male1.060.66 to 1.700.812
Body mass index (kg/m2)
 Normal weight (18.5–24.9)Reference
 Underweight (<18.5)0.930.45 to 1.960.865
 Overweight (≥25.0)1.260.78 to 2.040.352
Comorbid conditions
 Diabetes mellitus1.210.70 to 2.100.498
 Atherosclerotic disease0.640.36 to 1.180.152
Episode of arrest at admission0.820.43 to 1.590.564
VA-ECMO duration (days)0.970.93 to 1.010.166
Consciousness on admission
 Disturbance 2.50 1.58 to 3.95 <0.001*
  • *P<0.05.

  • VA-ECMO, venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.